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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Local Events: Drug Wars and Violence Along the Border.

The recent issues with the drug cartels across the border in Mexico have started to spill across to local border towns and are becoming an ever increasing threat to the local populations, and the economy, as the executions being carried out by these groups are targeting not only rival gangs, but civilians that happen to be caught in the crossfire.

Local authorities are stretched thin attempting to curtail these events with the help of the US Border Patrol and National Guard being stationed along the border areas along the Rio Grande river. Across the border these executions are being carried out using a variety of methods from bombings within cities, to decapitation of their victims usually obscenely displaying the remains from bridges or laying piled beside roads as  a warning to opposing cartels.

Raids led by Border Patrol have turned up stashes of weapons and ammunition enough to supply an army. Recently major members of these feudal groups have been systematically removed or killed in standoffs with authorities and Mexican military.

As each day goes by more and more of these occurrences are becoming a bigger threat to the farmers and ranchers along the border and necessitating the purchase and use of a gun for personal protection. Local ranchers have been aware of the threat of illegals that cross into the US for years but have started taking a more defensive posture when coming across persons coming across the border.

Hopefully these attacks can be brought under control in the coming days. The general state of security in the United States since the events of 911 has given us a state of awareness that we will have to retain  if we don't want a repeat of history.

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